Lili has been diagnosed with pituitary Cushing’s and added her Helpful Doctor


58 yrs old
have every symptom

blood work 9.86
midnight saliva 0.27
urine not back yet

history: total thyroidectomy 10 yrs ago
cancer free of thyroid for 10 yrs

Lili added her Helpful Doctor, Agustin Andrade, to the Cushing’s MemberMap and to the list of Florida Helpful Doctors


How would you rate your Helpful Doctor? 5/5
Your Doctor’s Name Agustin Andrade
Your Doctor’s Address 4308 Alton Road
suite 310
Miami Beach, Florida 33140
Phone (305) 672-7560
What are your Doctor’s Specialties? Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Disease
Hospital Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach Florida




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