I don’t know really where to start.

My life has changed a lot in the past year.  Last August, I was diagnosed with Cushing’s but if it wasn’t for my boyfriend watching a special on Cushing’s I would still be battling the symptoms today.  About 5 years ago I started to gain weight.  I’ve always been very active and eating  protein diet. I would exercise 5 -6 times a week and still gain weight. It didn’t make any sense to me. I  had a personal trainer and he didn’t understand why I wasn’t losing wieght. My stomach continued to get a bigger pouch. I looked pregnant.  Over the course of the past few years my weight went up and down.  Then I started bruising very easily. People probably thought I was in abusive relationship which was not the case. I had my blood tested for being anemic. My white and red blood cell count went up and down. The doctor’s did not know what was going on and sent me on my marry way.

July 2012, my life changed. My boyfriend caught the end of special on  Cushing’s. He asked me if I’ve ever been tested for it? I said “No”!! I  was telling my mom about it and how my boyfriend felt I should get tested for it. I really didn’t want to go to my doctor and say test me for Cushing’s. She told me to go get tested. The more I researched it the more I realized I may have this. I finally made an appointment. I went to my doctor and highlighted all the related systoms. I had 11 out of 13. She believed me and started testing me. After all the urine, blood, CT and MRI scans. They diagonosed me August 2012.

I must say I’m lucky things fell into placed. It wasn’t long after my diagonses I was making appointment with Dr. Q at John Hopkins University to have my tumor removed. I

Location of the pituitary gland in the human brain

Location of the pituitary gland in the human brain (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

He would have to remove my gland if he wanted to remove the lesion. Which means I would not have any hormones. He did not want to take that away from me since I’m only 28 and have a lot of life ahead of me.  6 months post surgery I’m still taking Hydrocortisone. They are slowly weaning me off the drugs.  I can see a few changes. My memory and concentration is coming back. I now have definition back in my face. My weight is still up but that’s due to steriods. I hope that comes down once I’m off.

I beleive I was diagonosed at the right time. It seems like my symptoms took a turn for the worse in a matter of month after I was diagonosed. I wonder today what my life would be like if my boyfriend never saw the special and I never had the surgery. Dr. Q and him saved my life!!!   I just pray everyday that the lesion does not turn into Cushing’s. So far, I’m in remission!!!!

One note to all my fellow Cushie’s ~ You have to fight for yourself. Cushing’s is hard to diagonose. If you’re doctor’s don’t believe you find someone who does. Don’t give up!!!