So – 55 years of age and it has taken me ….4 years to actually get to this point, but I suspect if diagnoses is confirmed that its been more like 10 years since the first symptom.

I am tired, kind of freaked out right now and alone. I do not have monetary resources and looks like my job is about to bust – so there goes insurance.

I am scared, lonely, and in pain. I have had emotional loss after emotional loss for the last 8 years and feel so stressed out at this point I am having “Hypertension Episodes” every other day for the last week. I ache.

I do not know how to eat this elephant – okay so I know that I have to write this journey but I will have to come back to this.

MaryO’Note:  Cyndi says also “In the process of discovery – all symptoms check marked. CT Scan completed 2 days ago – waiting with anxiety for results of blood work and scans.”

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