My menstrual cycle ended when I was 38 years.  After a hormone panel, my doctor told me I was in menopause.

At this time, the whites of my eyes started hemorrhaging and my skin became paper thin, bleeding and bruising.  I was tested for Von Willebrands which came back negative.

A few years passed and my blood pressure sky rocketed, my hair started falling out, my teeth were breaking and I was gaining weight and unable to stop it.  I grew a heavy beard, black hairs on my arms and thighs.  My face became distored, my head was pushed towards my feet from a hump on my back.  I was losing the use of my legs, and unable to hold a pen or pencil.  I started to look 7 months pregnant with a larged mid-section.  I couldn’t retain simple instructions, and had to stop driving.

I saw numerous doctors, and each worked with the symptoms as the came, but no one put everything together.  My feet and fingers were numb, and I was losing the ability to think correctly.  I had severe depression and anger issues.

I saw an article in Reader’s Digest about a mysterious illness and took it to my current doctor.  She really didn’t think I had Cushing’s because it was so rare, but my 24 hour urine test came back postive.  Next I was sent for the MRI which showed the tumor on my pituitary.  I had surgery June 27,2007.

It took 18 grueling months to wean off the Prednisone.  I had chronic nausea and diahrrea during this time.  My Endocrinologist did not study up on Cushings and removed my Prednisone 1 week after my surgery.  I crashed and was taken to the ER in serious condtion.  He did it to me again a few weeks later, with the same results.  After the second time, he left my Prednisone alone for the next 18 months.

October 27, 2011 I had Paraespohcial surgery where my stomach had been pushed into my lungs.  It was a very diffcult surgery and recovery.  I am now batteling Celiac, which after reading up on Addisons, I am wondering if I have Addisons?  I had Addison’s crisis twice when my predisone was removed to quickly after my brain surgery.

Even though I am cured of Cushings, it seems the side effect continue to make their debutes.  I am grateful for where I am today, even though I don’t know what is around the corner.   I guess what’s around the corner will be dealt with when I get there, but for today, I am thankful.